News: TheBrandyBlog Presents Brandy (@4everBrandy) Up Close & Personal at XS Ultra Lounge (@XSUltraLounge) in Atlanta is proud to announce that Brandy will visit XS Ultra lounge on September 15, 2012. #Starz get ready because this is your chance to see Brandy up close and personal at 708 Spring Street, Atlanta, GA. We will see you there!

Who: XS Ultra Lounge
What: Brandy Up Close & Personal
Where: 708 Spring Street, Atlanta, GA
When: September 15, 2012 – Midnite

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  • Whats the cover???

  • i see you working it. i like that. full time you get up and take whats yours. i have a new song for you. let me know if you want it. its the b0mb promise..

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